*Tranq Gun: Uses darts that can slow the opponent, three in a row actually crumpling the opponent, but he must reload every three shots. *SOCOM: Uses stronger and faster ammo, but must reload after every six shots and the bullets have no special abilities otherwise. He must reload after emptying the magazine, during which he cannot move. Has two variants that Snake can change at will. Stealth Shot: Snake takes a pistol and fires it straight at the opponent. There is no single way to play Snake, but a well-practiced Snake Main will certainly be considered a weapon to surpass Metal Gear. When done well, he can genuinely hamper the opponent’s entire playstyle. Snake uses low- and high-tech in conjunction with his CQC training to survive even the most unexpected encounters, letting him create a variety of situations from pressuring the opponent from a distance to close-quarters-combat or even play mind games. Playstyle: Covert CQC (Technical/All-Rounder) Voice Actor: David Hayter (Snake)/Christopher Randolph (Otacon) After destroying the original Metal Gear, Snake became the next Soldier of Legend and was repeatedly pulled out of retirement whenever these massive weapons of war were brought out. What can Otacon actually do to help Snake during a mission? Grim has done things like reroute electricity to take out city blocks worth of lights, reroute gas pipes to blow open a wall (IIRC), she also usually has satellites or at least drones to give her view of the map, so she can tell Sam of incoming enemies, and if you want to count it, she has the Paladin to call it airstrikes if the situation actually calls for it.Īnd unless you mean Otacon is capable in a fight, I would still doubt he is better then Grim, she headshotted 3 or 4 (don't remember exactly) Splinter Cells in a row faster then they could react.Title: The Man Who Makes the Impossible Possibleīio: Cloned from the legendary soldier and war hero, Big Boss (aka "Naked Snake"), "David" was originally a member of the Green Berets, CIA, and US Army before being brought into the Special Forces Unit known as FOXHOUND and given his iconic codename of "Solid Snake". So what's he actually done that Grim couldn't replicate? Grim is also a partner, hell she may be the most important part all things considered (Just look at how she handled herself in Conviction). He is Snake's partner, not his helper or his sidekick. Otacon is vital support in the Metal Gear games. Overall this Death Battle might have had the best fight since Goku vs Superman, but let's just say the representation and conclusion were a lot more satisfactory.Īlso from what I've seen, Grim is actually much more help then Otacon tends to be. There were more than a few instances where I thought they were actually going to have Snake lose. The fight was also very tactical and stealth oriented, as it should have been, and it legitimately got my adrenaline pumping to see who was going to win. Snake dodging Fisher's bullets made me go holy sh!t. I love how crazy the fight was, I will be the first person to admit that neither Snake nor Fisher actually fight anything like that, but it was comical how exaggerated things were. I also loved that they included their support team in this, Otacon shutting Grim down was the best part of the video. That was awesome! I was a bit disappointed at first when they announced Sam Fisher was going to be Snake's opponent, but I feel like they represented his abilities terrifically and in the end they actually got me thinking that Sam might be more capable than I initially believed. But besides that I really have no complaints at all. And I spotted a couple tiny mistakes they made, like Snake hasn't been fighting in wars since he was 19, it's actually 14. The voice acting and dialogue were terrible.