Let’s start with the newest mobile MOBA game, and the one that’s prompted this feature in the first place - Vainglory. While the genre has been here for a while, it feels like its just kicking into gear in 2014. Numerous other PC games have contributed to this new genre, but it’s the move to mobile that’s of interest to us here.
It was so popular, and the formula so rich with potential, that none other than Valve - home of Half-Life, Portal, Team Fortress 2, and the Steam software distribution platform - picked up the rights for a stand-alone sequel. They could also level up and earn funds for new equipment, just like in an MMORPG. Players took control of powerful fantasy heroes, and worked in small teams to destroy an opponent’s structures. Here the ground rules for the MOBA were popularised and thus set in stone.
While there were a number of identifiable MOBA strains present in earlier effort, it was a Warcraft III mod called Defense of the Ancients - or DotA - that really defined it. The MOBA genre started life in the PC mod scene.

However, rather than a first or third-person shooter mechanic at its core, it adopts the semi-automated combat and character progression systems of a role-playing game, and the perspective and tactical considerations of a real time strategy game. What that means is a team-based online multiplayer game, with all of the PvP mayhem and territory-capturing ebb and flow of your average console action game’s multiplayer mode. MOBA stands for multiplayer online battle arena. You grumpy old thing, you.īut we’ve got news for you: the MOBA revolution is coming to mobile.

Or you may have heard of it, not quite grasped it, and quickly dismissed it out of hand as something other people do. If you’re not a dedicated PC gamer, though, there's a chance you may not have heard of the genre. One of the most successful of these new gene-spliced genres in recent times has been the MOBA. All of the basic game genres were established long ago, and anything new is a hybrid of some of those archetypes. They say that there's nothing new under the sun, and that certainly applies to games.